Ok this is a big one for us as we get new SBG rules but lets do this faily and look at all of it.
New Releases
Fantasy - They have the main light this months (With barly anything last month) with the Skaven. They have new Clanrats and plastic Strom Vermin which are quite good but the show is stolen by the Screming Bell/Plague Furnace and the Doom Wheel. They look awsume!!! They also get 3 new name charatures. Packmaster Skweel Gnawtooth, Warlord Queek Headtaker and Deathmaster Snikch. Fantastic name and fantastic looking modals. They also get a new Codex and Battalion as you would expect
Other - We have 4 new books from Black Libary this month with "Blood Pack", "Innocence Proves Nothing", "Iron Company" and the "Liber Chaotica 2009 Edition". We also have a new massive! Titan form Forge world which is atleast 10 times taller than a Marine Rhino!
ArticalsFantasty - Fantasy as you would expect take up the most room this month with a detaield look at the new modlas and stratagys for using them. We also have a battle Report involing the Dwarves and quess who?
LOTR - The Blod and Sand campign contuines but more importantly we get new SBG rules. To view a brife disscription of the rules click the
Link. We also get a How to paint Easterlings too.
40k - The Space wolfs get a few scnearios about there struggle with the Chaotic "Thousand Sons" and also a little history lesson, along with a how to paint "Kor'sarro Khan" (Insert the Khan quote from Star Trek here).
Other - We see some of the "Best painted modals in the world" which are fantastic
Next MonthIt seems that GW may be sleeping a little next month as we don't have much coming. We have the "Fortress of Redemption" kit and other than that it doesn't give anything else away really. However there are hints at "Tyranids" getting a revamp early next year.
Do I Buy?This month is a must for all SBG players and is also a good buy for any Skaven players (Or Dwarf for that battle report). Other wise save your money. Back next moth for the next issue.