Originally Posted by Angeloftheblood on Warseer (topic can be found
Alright the dude our "rumor ranger" is not feeling up to it this time and seeing how I well I live and breath BA I thought I would give it a shot..... wish me luck
A newsletter from GW
Incoming! Blood Angels
This April the Blood Angels will be re-launched with an all-new Codex and range of plastic and metal miniatures. One of the oldest and noblest of all Space Marine Chapters, the Blood Angels have stood fast against the enemies of the Imperium since the Great Crusade and it was their Primarch Sanguinius, who laid down his life to aid the Emperor against Horus in the final hours of the Warmaster’s rebellion. The new Codex explores the background and history of these superhuman warriors like never before, and contains new artwork depicting some of their greatest battles and most powerful champions.
The Blood Angels have always been a powerful close combat army and have been made even deadlier thanks to a range of specialist wargear, the ability to field Assault Squads as Troops choices, and more Dreadnoughts than any other Space Marine Chapter, including a Death Company Dreadnought and the fabled Furioso Dreadnought. The Sons of Sanguinius will be deep striking onto a tabletop near you this April – now’s the time to practice painting red.
Blood Angels
Rumored box sets by Ebolahond
there will be 3 plastic sets
no troop choices
one vehicle
2/3 of that is capable of flight........ more or less
Dante rumored his ax will give him plus one str but not much else also rumored he might have a re-sculpt
Mephistion over 300 points and also rumored to be getting a re-sculpt
Lemartes has gone missing from GW's online store maybe a re-sculpt(one can hope)
Tycho There may be three different virsions of him in the new codex not said how
Moriar will be coming back, not as an hq choice, but he will take up 1 elite slot and 1 heavy support slot. this is beacuse he is allegedly going to come with the choice to buy up to two bodyguard dreadnoughts (they would also be furioso). Or at least this is what the rumor is.
Corbulo no news yet
Honor Guard possible plastic box set but could just be a general box to make DC, RAS, VAS and honor gaurd. Exalted and Honour Guard look very elegant. They dont have broadswords but rapiers. But there are also some heavier wepaons like chainaxes. According to the color pages the Honour Guard has lots of options, special weapons, banners, relics, stormshields.Rulewise, the Honour Guard can attack after deepstriking, WS 5, A2.
Terminators talk of a box set due to the space hulk terminators but nothing solid
Furioso possible movement to the fast attack slot with Ven furioso as elites also possible re-cut of normal dread box to include Furioso parts
Dreads talk of 1-3 in heavy but nothing solid
Techmarines Rumors of a new SC tech marine Victor with a gun servitor beast named unholt, could just be talk but has popped up many times
VAS see honor guard
Scouts metal box set being talked about with a mad max feel to them just rumors nothing solid
RAS see honor guard
Tactical Squad rumors of twin linked heavy weapons if inside auspix range?
Attack Bikes no news
Bikes no news
Land Speeders no news
Dev Squads no news
Land Raider nothing new about current ones but talk of new pattern the Tantalus also been said that the Tantalus is a drop/gun ship with lots of assault cannons
Whirlwind no news
Predator maybe recut to include ball parts
Vindicator no news
Baal see predator
NEW Unit (I love the sound of this one)"Exhalted Assault Squad" not sure what to make of this it could be a named VAS or the new name for VAS but they are rumored to have wrist mounted storm bolters, relic blades deep strike then assault sounds amazing but only talk/wishlisting but still some good sources mention them so who knows. Exalted are all equiped with the same wargear: wristmounted stormbolter, rapier, jump packs with wings.Exalted have hit & run, only WS4 and powerweapons with +1 strength. They have also mastered the red fury and therefore don't have this rule.
New Flier Rumors of something using the Valk large oval base came up talk of it being the Tantalus gun/drop ship hopefully more to come.
New SC talk of some successor chapters getting characters strongest rumor is Seth
Rules rumors
Furious Charge army wide, 2 attacks base, bolter pistol and ccw everything "Blood Angels-ish" has popped up but once again nothing solid
You can thank Linksys for this little gem also:
Quote Yes. Speed is one of the main themes of the codex. (in response to whether chaplains add fleet to DC)
A little bit of background: another main theme of the codex is that the curse is becoming stronger. In reaction to this there is a kind of philosophical schism inside the chapter - nothing like civil war but an ongoing dispute. The Sanguinians try to adhere to the principle of their primarch and take the curse as a test of character. They try to overcome the affects and stay as civil as possible. Dante is the leader of this faction and it is the more influential. The Faustians however try to use the curse. They believe it was a gift of their dying Primarch to his children, that he gave them his strength. But it was wasted for millenia by overly hesitant chapter masters. The Faustians were a minor group and only prominent inside the Flesh Tearer Chapter. The ascend of the Lord of Death however sparked a fast growth of this group. Mephiston was the living proof that the black rage was not a curse but a only locked door on the way to the full potential of the Blood Angels. Sanguinary Priest Faustus is the most influential member. He is the lord of the tower of Amareo and has studied the black rage for centuries. The successor chapter have similiar groups. The only exceptions are the Flesh Tearers and Angels Sanguine. The former are all Faustians, the latter all Sanguinians.Speed is one of the main themes of the codex.
Scryer supplied these product codes (anyone know how he does this?)
<Space Marines metal blister code> - £10.00 / US$17.00 / 15,00 € / Oz$28.00*
<Space Marines metal blister code> - £10.00 / US$17.00 / 15,00 € / Oz$28.00*
<Space Marines metal blister code> - £10.00 / US$20.00 / 17,50 € / Oz$33.00^
<Space Marines metal blister code> - _£8.00 / US$15.00 / 12,50 € / Oz$22.00†
<Space Marines metal blister code> - £10.00 / US$16.50 / 13,00 € / Oz$28.00‡
<Space Marines metal blister code> - _£5.00 / _US$9.00 / _7,80 € / Oz$17.00§
* Same 4-market prices as Kayvaan Shrike, Sgt Chronus and Kor'sarro Khan (and the current Corbulo and Dante)
^ Same as Lysander (and one could argue similiar enough to Vulkan He'stan and the current Mephiston and Tycho)
† Same as Cassius, Telion, Kantor and Damned Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon
‡ Same as Damned Legionnaires with Bolters
§ Same or similar enough to the all-over-the-place prices of existing shoulder pads bitz packs
Last changed: 27/01/10