Ok here we go again.
I'm going to clance over the new releases this week as we have all ready talked alot about them
Here and
Here for LOTR and Fantasy respectivly...however the WD also says that we are getting a new command squad for Knights of Dol Amroth containign a Captain and Banner whihc look...well meh. There sort of standard GW stuff.
We have a look at the new modals ofcourse(do i even need to mention this by now?) but we also get a new Scenrio for both WOTR and SBG baced around Osgiliath and looks more at using Terrain in mainly SBG games but also WOTR.
We also look at the Fell Beast more with conversions!!!!! They show converted modals for the Undying, Shadow Lord, Dark Marshal, Khamul, Betrayer and Tainted plus the Witch king with only the Knight and Dwim missing.
We also have a large(and i mena large) WOTR battle report but unlike others this one doesn't have as much narative value(just like most WOTR games then
they look at the new Boar riders and River Trolls as well as a few tips for using orcs and there allies. We also get the last part in types of army with Wear and Tear whihc are armys that just charge straight at you. Also a painting guide for painting your boars.
They only get 2 Fluff missions for Blood angles and that is all of 5 pages so not much. However look at page 93 and see see the most awsume walker ever made with a converted Giant Tau battle Suit!!!!!!
Next month
We have the New ruels for the new LOTR modals ofcourse as well as them saying "we get a bit carried away with plastic river trolls and Boar boys" so don't know much there. Buyt the big news is Spearhead will be out next month and i can't waith to see what we get(New eldar modals!!!!!!!!
In my opion this one isn't worht it unless you play Orcs or LOTR of any type...which is good for us and over half of it is about LOTR(seriosly over half!!!) It's an easy miss if you play anything else.